1. The public benefit organisation has been approved for purposes of section 18A(1)(a) of the Act and donations to the organisation will be tax deductible in the hands of the donors in terms of and subject to the limitations prescribed in section 18A of the Act with effect from 18 April 2018.
2. Donations made to or by the PBO are exempt from Donations Tax in terms of section 56(1) (h) of the Income Tax Act.
3. Exemption from the payment of Estate Duty in terms of section 4(h) of the Estate Duty Act No.45 of 1955.
What is considered a bona fide donation for S18A purposes?
A bona fide donation is a voluntary, gratuitous gift disposed of by the donor out of liberality or generosity, where the donee is enriched and the donor impoverished. There may be no quid pro quo, no reciprocal obligations and no personal benefit for the donor. If the donee gives any consideration at all it is not a donation. The donor may not impose conditions which could enable him or any connected person in relation to himself to derive some direct or indirect benefit from the application of the donation.
Examples of what does NOT constitute a bona fide donation for purposes of section 18A?
1. Donation of services rendered such as a professional person renders a skill free of charge.
2. An amount paid for attending a fundraising dinner, dance or charity golf day.
3. The amount paid for the successful bid of goods auctioned to raise funds by an organisation and Memorabilia, paintings, etc, donated to be auctioned to raise funds
4. Amounts paid for raffle or lottery tickets.
5. Amounts paid for school fees, entrance fees for school admittance or compulsory school levies.
6. Value of free rent, water and electricity provided by a lessor to the lessee which is an approved PBO.
7. Payments in respect of debt due
Category Archives: PVO CANOPIES
Dear PVO members,
The PVO is proud to announce that we have added the PayPal icon onto our website for the convenience of our overseas Parabats. All donations can now be made using PayPal button, these funds are directly transferred into the Parabat Veterans Organisation NPC account with Nedbank SA.
Please Note: All funds in this account are accounted for and audited by our external auditors.