The canopy was formed as a virtual entity to provide a channel for Parabat veterans who wish to stay in touch with the South African military parachute fraternity, but who may not be able to participate through more conventional structures such as those canopies who regularly meet in various geographical locations across SA and abroad. The Canopy wholly aligns itself with the guidelines contained in the Parabat Veterans Organisation (PVO) and subscribes to the guidelines contained in the PVO-constitution. The Canopy wishes to contribute towards maintaining the ethics and values associated with having qualified as a wing-bearing SA Paratrooper, but provision is also made for non-jumper members who served in military parachute units, as well as family members of both paratroopers and non-jumpers. Membership fees apply and before membership of the Nomads Canopy, Facebook page or Website is approved, membership application documentation, vetting of membership and payment of subs must have been completed. Membership applications are available on the different social media.
The Nomads Management Team.