Parabat Veterans Code of Honour

I confirm hereby that I am
Trained as a paratrooper under the banner of 1 Parachute Battalion, passed the prescribed jump training course, qualified as paratrooper and therefore I wear my wings with dedication, pride and dignity
Completed my conscription responsibilities and being now a fully-fledged paratrooper veteran,
I commit myself completely to all activities relat-ed to this organisation and its members, and
I place my buddies above all first to serve, sup-port, assist and to unite them within the midst of our Airborne Brotherhood
I believe
In myself
In my country
In those institutions that attend to the interests of paratrooper veterans, and above all
I believe in God!
I promise as a paratrooper veteran, to whatever the extent of my abilities may be, to
Put my country, countrymen and fellow para-troopers at all times first and to serve and assist them with pride, dedication and loyalty
Serve and respect the veteran institution that I belong to with due observance of its rules, guidelines and values, and to
Wear the instituted insignia with pride, distinction and dignity as expected of the behaviour of a veteran paratrooper
I commit as a paratrooper veteran, to
Place during times of need the interests of my buddies first, do anything in my ability to bring about change, alleviate destitution and render assistance as urged by circumstances, irrespec-tive of what it asks from me
Therefore, I stand or fall
by the values, standards and norms instilled in me during my training as paratrooper, as well as during my term of military service:
Ex Alto Vincimus



Valskerm Veterane Erekode

Ek bevestig hiermee dat ek
Onder die vaandel van 1 Valskerm Bataljon as valskerm soldaat opgelei is, dat ek my springkursus geslaag, as valskerm soldaat gekwalifiseer het en dáárom my vleuels met toewyding, trots en waardigheid dra,
My diens verpligtinge voltooi het en nou ‘n volwaardige valskerm veteraan is,
verbind ek my as lid ten volle tot die aktiwiteite en belange van hierdie instansie en sy lede
stel ek my makkers voorop deur hulle te dien, ondersteun, by te staan en te verenig binne ons Kameraderie van Broederskap
Ek glo
in myself
in my land
in die instellings wat na die belange van valskerm veterane omsien, en bo-alles,
ek glo in God!
Ek beloof as valskerm veteraan, in welke mate ek ookal daartoe in staat mag wees, om
My land, sy mense en my makkers eerste te stel en te alle tye met trots, toewyding en lojaliteit te dien en ondersteun
Die instelling van veterane met sy reëls, riglyne en waardes, soos vereis word, met toewyding te dien en respekteer, en om
Die ingestelde insignia van die instelling waarvan ek lid is met trots, onderskeiding en waardigheid te dra soos dit ‘n veteraan valskermsoldaat betaam
Ek onderneem as valskerm veteraan om
in tye van nood die belange van my makkers vóórop te stel, alles in my vermoë te doen om verligting te bewerkstellig en gepaste hulp te verleen soos wat die omstandighede dit vereis, ongeag welke bydrae dit ookal van my in die omstandighede sou vra
Derhalwe staan en val ek
by die waardes, standaarde en norme wat tydens opleiding as valskerm soldaat asook gedurende die dienstydperk in my neergelê is:
Ex Alto Vincimus